Safe Seen, Providing Not for Profit PPE
Safe Seen, launched in May this year, is the vision of our CEO, Robert Farfort. Rob wanted to implement a not for profit solution for providing PPE to key workers and frontline organisations at a time when PPE was in very short supply.
Safe Seen was born of the Print PPE Initiative. A collaboration of industry experts founded by Rob to utilise the technology within the printing industry to manufacture and distribute not-for-profit PPE to the nation’s keyworkers. Safe Seen is fundraising, manufacturing and distributing Safe Seen face shields, a form of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment); assisting in fighting COVID-19 to our nation’s key workers on the frontline and beyond.
What we do
Safe Seen unifies the community and the frontline. Enabling the nation to personalise PPE and provide messages of support to key workers; whilst fundraising for Child Bereavement UK.
People from all over the UK have donated and continue to donate Safe Seen PPE via With 8 design options, donated face shields are then further personalised by donors with their own messages of support to frontline workers.
Safe Seen requires a £2 donation, 100% of the profits raised from the face shields is donated directly to Child Bereavement UK.
Child Bereavement UK helps children, parents and families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. The charity supports children and young people up to the age of 25 who are facing bereavement; and anyone affected by the death of a child of any age. This is needed more than ever due to Coronavirus; both in the weeks and months ahead and long after the pandemic abates.
Thanks to our fantastic community, to date, over 1000 Safe Seen face shields have been personalised with messages and donated to our frontline. We have successfully raised over £1000 for Child Bereavement UK! Organisations that have received our personalised face shields include; GP practices; dental practices; nurseries caring for children of key workers; complementary health providers associated with the NHS; NHS hospitals and care homes.

The teams at Data Image and Safe Seen would like to thank everybody that has donated so far. If you would like to donate, please click here. Our frontline is still very much in need of PPE. All the organisations that have benefitted from this collaboration; including Child Bereavement UK and NHS hospitals who have extended their thanks for all of the support thus far.
If your not for profit organisation requires PPE face shields please click here to request a drop.
We are also extending the provision of PPE face shields to companies and other organisations. Please contact us at to order your company branded face shields, 100% of the profits will go to Child Bereavement UK.
To find out more about Safe Seen, check out our Twitter and LinkedIn pages and give us a follow for all of the latest information.
Community Matters
25th March 2022
When it comes to wide format signage and building wrapping here at Data Image Group we offer a one stop facility from conception, design, production, and installation.